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Fancy Meal

Food For Thought

Healthy Recipe Blog

Over 400 easy and healthy recipes you will love!!

Spiritual Fitness Blog

Encouragement in Christ centered health and wellness.

Christian Women Living Magazine

Articles on Health and Fitness from a Christian perspective.

Anchor 1 - About

The Faithfully Fit Mission

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Living a healthy lifestyle, or getting in better shape doesn't always come easy.  In fact, it is a struggle for most people.  My mission is to show you that doesn't need to be the case!  As a follower of Christ, He is with you!  As a believer, you have His power working in you.  The Bible tells us that we are the temple of His Holy Spirit!  I want you to see yourself the way the Lord sees you and allow Him to be on your health and wellness journey alongside you.

Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them".


Not only are you created by a loving God, you are created for a purpose!  He has big plans for you!  Give your journey to Him so He can work in you and through you to be all you were created to be.  In Him we are made new!  With Christ all things are possible! It's not just about being fit; it's about being fit for the good work he has for you!

I want to walk along  beside you on this journey as well my friend.  I have developed hundreds of healthy recipes as well as encouraging posts, articles and devotions to help you along the way.  I'm with you!  LET'S BE FAITHFULLY FIT TOGETHER!!

Anchor 3

Spiritual Fitness Posts

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