It’s a new day! Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow is not promised. Today is what we have! These are crazy times for sure, but one thing‘s for sure; today is a new day! It’s not time to look back on where you’ve tried and failed. Today it‘s time to start and move forward from here on out!
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19.
If you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, maybe in the past you’ve tried and failed at different diets or workout programs. Haven’t we all? It’s time to change your mindset. It’s time to let go of old thinking, of other people’s words that may have hurt you, past failures... guess what? They have all lead you to this day! Today, ask God to help you. Give it to Him! Lay it all down and announce, “This is a new day and God is going to do a new thing!” Did you read that passage? Read it again. God can make a way where there is no way! Dwelling on the past or allowing yourself to stay stuck in old thinking will only paralyze you! Ask God to do a new thing in you! He will! Are you ready??
Let your approach to living a healthier life be different by keeping your eyes on Him! Get out of that “boat” you’re stuck in and walk out on that water toward Jesus! Don’t look to the right or the left at the stuff that makes you sink; old thinking, hurtful words, past failures, comparison to others.... or whatever it is. Keep your eyes on Him! He cares about every part of you! He has big plans for you and you need to be ready! He made you uniquely YOU! This is your journey. Let Him walk with you in it!
Today commit to only look forward. No looking back! Let go of the things that used to drag you down! Get ready! He’s doing a new thing!